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Everything Eden

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3 min read
Ruling the world
Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the...

4 min read
The Bible as a motivator and mobiliser of climate justice
I wrote this piece for THEOS and it was first published here. The Bible has been read, interpreted and applied in ways that have caused...

4 min read
6 things to know about climate change before COP26
(This blog post was first published on I hope my great grandchildren one day learn in their history lessons...

4 min read
Soul Food: What does fasting have to do with social justice, desire, and spiritual formation?
Fasting reshapes our hearts such that we delight in God's good world in ways that bring peace, justice and flourishing.

3 min read
Covid-19: The fire on the Titanic
Yesterday (April 22, 2020) was the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. On this date in 1970, an estimated 10% of America's population (1 out...

2 min read
Communion & Covid-19
Lord of Creation,
from your loving hands you have made us all.
Every person, young and old, every creature, great and small.

3 min read
Easter Saturday and Covid-19: The gift and the agony of the in-between-ness.
As the Easter weekend tracks through the story of Jesus, Saturday sits somewhat awkwardly between Jesus' gruesome sacrificial execution...

4 min read
Alone in the silence of birdsong: Jesus' invitation amidst crisis
As I sit in the warming glow of the still early hours of the morning, I hear the birds outside, chirping and fluttering and singing -...

4 min read
5 spiritual practices in a time of isolation & 'social distancing'
Unsettled. I think that's the best word to describe how I'm feeling today. I imagine today you might be unsettled... or concerned, or...

5 min read
Becoming a person of love
Central to the Way of Jesus, is becoming a person of love. Being a follower of Jesus invites us into a lifestyle which shapes us into...
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I won't be spamming you.
I'll just be keeping you informed with new blog posts and what's going on here.
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